
The Bowling Club was founded in 1956, and the existing Bowling Green was officially opened on April 23rd 1960. The first match played on the green was against the County Presidents team, which ended in victory to the County by 72 shots to 55.
The Club has two classes of members, playing and social. Playing members are automatically entitled to take full part in all bowling and Club activities.
Welcome to the Bowls Club, and may your association with the Club and its members be a long and enjoyable one. These notes are intended to give new members, and particularly new bowlers, an introduction to the Club's organisation and activities.
In order to become a member of the Club, applicants must be Rec-Soc members.
Welcome Letter from the Membership Secretary
Bowling Activities
The green is located within the grounds of the Rec Soc, behind the Rugby Club building which is to your right as you approach the main complex. The Green is open from mid-April to mid-September. During the week the green is open from mid-day, the mornings being reserved for upkeep and maintenance by the grounds staff. At weekends the green is open from dawn till dusk.
Changing rooms are located next to the green and are accessed via the steps and balcony facing the green. There are separate facilities for gentlemen and ladies. Notice boards in the changing rooms carry details of competition draws, team selection notices and any other information that may be of interest to members.
The Club will have teams in three leagues during the coming season.
Friday night triples (Basingstoke and District) (Men only)
Thursday afternoon 2 Teams (Basingstoke and District (Mixed)
Friendly Matches
Friendly matches usually take place in the afternoons, over the weekend. A fixture card will be given to all Club members, which shows the venue and times of these matches. Occasional matches are played midweek in the evenings. Friendly matches are usually mixed games, but certain games are for men or lady members only.
Friendly match results do not form part of any competitive listing. The games are played for the pleasure of taking part and for the social company. Any member can enter his name on the Availability Sheet for a match when it is put on the notice board a week or two before the playing date. It is helpful to let the Captain know your playing experience so that he can play you in the right position.
There are also many Club competitions that members can enter. Details of these are shown on your membership application form. They have to be entered on an individual basis, prior to the start of the competition. These are run on a knockout format with a completion date for each round. Players for pair's competitions are seeded on the player's ability to ensure fairness to all competitors.
There may also be several one-day competitions arranged during the season, which can be entered a week or two before the event. Entry lists will be displayed for these at the appropriate time. The progress of the Club competitions that are played throughout the season on a knockout basis can be checked by referring to the Competitions Board, displayed in the changing rooms.
Spoons (Interclub friendly games)
Spoons are games that can be entered without prior notification. All that is necessary is to turn up in good time and pay an entry fee. You will then be given a number that you will later surrender to obtain a disk that will indicate on what rink you will be playing. The entry fee includes a nominal amount that enables small prizes to be awarded at the end of the game. Spoons are held on Tuesdays at 2.30 p.m.
There are many occasions when rinks are free and available for use, the only exception to this will be on match days where all rinks may be used.
Dress Code
The general dress code for men whilst using the green and for league matches is grey trousers, white top and brown bowling shoes. Ladies follow the same colour code but can wear skirts or trousers. Dress for Club matches is shown in the fixture card.
To prevent damage to the green it is important that the correct footwear is worn; bowling shoes, together with a full range of other bowling equipment, are available from the local bowls shop in Mortimer.
The Way Forward
These notes should help you to become familiar with the workings of the Club, but only you can improve your bowling ability. Practice as often as you can, enter the competitions and put your name down for the matches. You will soon be noticed and asked to join the leagues.